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Essential Building Material Tests


  • Chain Surveying



  • Chain Surveying



Leveling is the art of determining the relative height of different points above or below the ground. The principle of leveling involves obtaining a horizontal line of sight, with observations taken of the vertical distances of points above or below this line. The objective of leveling is to find the elevation of a given point with respect to a reference line called the datum, in order to establish the point at the required elevation. Refracted line of sight, sea level datum, plumb line, and horizontal plane are all important components of the leveling process. This process also involves the use of a level rod, back sight, foresight, turning point, and the height of the instrument above the datum. Vertical refraction, which is the bending of light when it passes through layers of air with different densities, is also taken into consideration during leveling.

Innovative Solutions for Civil Engineering

Leveling Definition :--Leveling:- is defined as "an art of determining the relative height of different points on, above or below the ground.

Leveling:-Definitions, technical terms, uses,

details of levels such as dumpy, tilting and

auto leveling staff, Temporary and permanent

adjustments of dumpy and auto level, corrections

curvature, refraction, combine and sensitiveness, reciprocal leveling, collimation and rise & fall method, errors,


Principle of Leveling: The principle of leveling is to obtain horizontal line of sight with

respect to which vertical distances of the points above or below this line of sight are

Observations taken.

Object of leveling:-The objective of Leveling Find the elevation of given point with respect to some

assumed reference line called datum. To establish point at required elevation respect to datum

Instruments for leveling :--Level and types of leveling. The instrument used to furnish

horizontal line of sight for observing staff readings and determining R.L.

Terms used in Leveling:-Level surface It is the surface parallel to the mean spheroid surface

of the earth Level line Line lying on level surface.

Horizontal plane Horizontal plane through a point is a plane tangential to level surface

Terms used in levelling:-Datum:-It is an arbitrary level surface from which elevation of points

may be referred". In India mean sea level is considered as datum of zero elevation it is situated at Karachi.

•Mean Sea Level is the average height of sea for all stages of tides it is derived by averaging the hourly tide height over a period of 19 years.

•Elevation or Reduced level It is height or depth of any point above or below any datum. It is denoted as R.L.

technical terms:- Terms used in leveling

•Level line

•Level surface

•Horizontal line

•Horizontal plane

Horizontal line is the line of sight of instrument which is tangential to the level

surface and It is perpendicular to the plumb line. The surface along horizontal line of sight

is called as horizontal surface

Level surface Vertical angle Difference in elevation between A and B

•Vertical datum Elevation


•Bench Mark (B.M.) It is a fixed reference point of known elevation with respect to datum.

•Line of collimation It is a line joining the intersection of cross hairs of diaphragm to the optical Centre of object

glass and its continuation. It is also known as line of sight.

•Height of instrument It is the elevation of line of collimation with respect to datum

•Back sight It is a staff reading taken at a known elevation. It is the first staff reading taken after setup of



žTerms used in Levelling

žFore sight(F.S.) It is the last staff reading

taken denoting the shifting of the


žIntermediate sigh All staff reading between

B.S. and F.S. are (I.S.) It is staff reading taken on a point whose elevation is

to be determined.

žIntermediate sight.:- All staff reading

between B.S. and F.S. are Intermediate sight

žChange Point (T.P) It is a point on which

both fore and back sight are taken.

Instruments for levelling

žThe following instruments

žare essentially required for

ž leveling Level InstrumentžLeveling Staff: They are of


Types i.e. folding,

Telescopic, standard straight

Straight staff the according to

Material makeup.

žPeg. Along with these you need arrows chain tape

Dumpy level

The Dumpy level is a simple, compact and stable instrument.

•The telescope is rigidly fixed to its supports.

Hence it cannot be rotated about horizontal axis.

The essential difference between wyes level and other levels is that in wye level the

telescope is carried by two vertical wye supports. The telescope can be rotated, moved

or even raised in wyes.

Automatic level

It is also known as self

aligning level. It is a recent

development. The fundamental

difference between auto level

and other levels is that the

žleveling is not manually but it is levelled automatically. It is achieved by inclination

compensating device.


žAn automatic level is an optical instrument used to establish or verify points in the

same horizontal plane in a process known as leveling and is used in conjunction with

a leveling staff to establish the relative heights levels of objects or marks. It is widely

used in surveying and construction to measure height differences and to transfer, measure, and set heights of known objects or marks.

žIt is also known as a Surveyors level, Builders level, Dumpy level or the historic “Y” level. It operates on the principle of establishing a visual level relationship between two or more points, for which an inbuilt telescope and a highly accurate bubble level are used to achieve the necessary accuracy.

žIt is usually used by contractors, builders, land surveying professionals

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